On Friday 23 June 2017, a practical seminar on Regulation (EU) n. 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (“Brussels I Recast”) will take place in Lucca, Italy (Palazzo Ducale, Cortile Carrara, sala Accademia 1).

The seminar will consist of a training course for lawyers (from 14.30h to 19h), who will be called to actively participate in presenting, discussing and resolving practical cases falling within the scope of Regulation n. 1215/2012. The seminar will be carried out by recourring to a case-law teaching method.

The speakers will include Avv. Giampaolo Benedetti Pearson (Lucca Bar Association), Prof. Elena D’Alessandro (Univ. Turin) and Prof. Silvana Dalla Bontà (Univ. Trento).

The participation is free of charge, and requires prior registration by sending an e-mail to the following address: info@europeancivilprocedureforlawyers.eu before 15 June 2017. The event is open up to a maximum of 30 participants.

The flyer of the event is available here: http://www.europeancivilprocedureforlawyers.eu/?p=1173

See you there!

Let’s try to clarify the meaning of the various ©, TM, ® and CE symbols, often used erroneously, if not in a completely wrong way.

The © symbol indicates the set of copyright laws and applies to so-called “human mind works”: literary, musical, scientific and educational works, musical compositions,  choreographic works, sculpture works, painting, drawing, engraving and similar figurative arts, including scenography, drawings and works of  architecture; works applicable to cinema, photography and databases. In Italy copyright is also applicable to software.

The TM symbol stands for “TradeMark” and indicates that it is a trademark filed but not yet granted. The ® symbol indicates that this is a “registered trademark”, i.e. a trademark for which protection has already been granted. In order to use that symbol on one’s products, it is necessary to have the official registration number of the trademark, not to be confused with the application number that is the different number matched with the trademark at the time of application.

The CE symbol means “Conformité Européenne”, and it is a mark on certain types of products that certifies their conformity to the essential requirements for marketing and use in the European Union.